Deutsche Messe AG/DE, in close cooperation with the HANNOVER MESSE Exhibitor Advisory Board and partner associations VDMA (Association of German Mechanical and Plant Engineering) and ZVEI (Central Association of German Electrical Engineering and Digital Industry), has rescheduled HANNOVER MESSE 2022 for 30 May–2 June. The show was originally planned for April.

“Due to the continuing high incidence in Germany and many neighboring countries, we decided together with our exhibitors to reschedule HANNOVER MESSE. Last year demonstrated that the summer months are best for major events during this pandemic. Right now, we cannot predict if the COVID situation will be better by April, so the new date offers our customers the greatest possible planning security so that they can present their innovations at the world’s most important industrial trade show,” said Dr Jochen K ckler, CEO of Deutsche Messe AG.

At the beginning of June 2022, HANNOVER MESSE will be the world’s first major industrial event. Its focus on digitalisation and sustainability will stimulate innovative and efficient approaches to production and climate protection. This year’s show runs four days due to the Hannover Exhibition Center’s full event calendar in June. In 2023, HANNOVER MESSE will resume its normal five-day schedule in April.

“HANNOVER MESSE is the world’s most important industrial showcase for our companies, so the new date is correct given the current circumstances. We are convinced that in the summer we will reach a larger audience interested in Industrie 4.0 and its contribution to sustainability. With our innovations in automation, digitalisation, electrification, and energy efficiency, the electrical and digital industry is guiding the industrial transition to a climate-neutral circular economy. We want to show the broadest possible audience what this path can look like, because we can only master this challenge if we work together. HANNOVER MESSE offers the perfect setting for this,” said Wolfgang Weber, Chairman of the ZVEI Management Board.

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