New Silicon Nitride Ceramic for Turning Cast Iron Materials

CeramTec/DE is expanding its portfolio of high-tech cutting materials with the silicon nitride ceramic LKT 100 for the highly efficient turning of cast iron materials. The new cutting material combines the toughness typical of silicon nitride ceramics with increased wear resistance. This increased performance behaviour is achieved through an innovative manufacturing process which allowed us to influence the composition of the cutting material in the outer functional zone.It allows large metal removal rates and thus enables advantageous cost-per-part machining results.

The new cutting material is developed for turning and drilling GJL-materials in smooth to heavily interrupted cuts .Typical workpieces are, for example, brake discs, brake drums and other mass-produced components made of cast iron or also E-motor shells made of GJL that have to be drilled out. The LKT100 is suitable for roughing and rough-finishing with non-uniform and fluctuating allowances and furthermore creates high chip cross-sections.The LKT 100 cutting material is designed for cutting speeds of 400–1000 m/min, with a cutting depth of up to 4 mm and feed rates of 0,15–0,5 mm. The optimal data depends on the actual application.

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