100 Years of Arburg

In February 2023, Arburg/DE celebrated the first three events marking “100 Years of the Hehl Family Company”. Regional guests, German and international customers and other associates closely involved in Arburg’s success story were invited to the event in Lossburg/DE. Whether they came from Lossburg, USA or China, everyone was enthusiastic about the fantastic events programme, recently unveiled machines, and friendly and innovative spirit given off by the company.

The company’s three Managing Partners, Juliane Hehl, Renate Keinath and Michael Hehl, kicked off the evenings with an amusing question-and-answer session and explained in a very authentic and personal way all the things that have made Arburg what it is for a century and the path it is taking for the next 100 years. 

Juliane Hehl told of how her grandparents Arthur and Maria Hehl courageously founded the company in 1923, and how her father Eugen and uncle Karl Hehl played a key role in shaping its success and making Arburg one of the world’s leading manufacturers of machines for plastics processing. Renate Keinath talked about the importance of independence, dynamic employees, innovative strength and reliability to the family company. She explained how Arburg had always trodden its own path, conducting business globally and acting locally, assuming responsibility for people and the environment, both then and now. Michael Hehl emphasised the need for Arburg to change in order to stay true to itself while retaining the fundamental positive and character-forming features of a family company. “Substance over style”, the motto of previous generations, could be a valuable guide through the next decades, he felt.

Sales and Technology Managing Directors Gerhard Böhm and Guido Frohnhaus presented the two anniversary machines in an animated conversation: The Hybrid Allrounder 470 H in “Comfort” and “Premium” Performance Variants, featuring many technical innovations that are only available from Arburg. Guido Frohnhaus listed a number of features set to thrill sales staff and customers alike, while also quickening the pulse of any technicians in the audience: an energy footprint up to 50 % better than with the hydraulic machine, up to 12 000 kg less CO2emissions, and a new oil management concept requiring around 35 % less oil. Added to this was a reduction in dry cycle time of up to 33 % flow rate splitting for simultaneous movements of the axes, and options for preventive maintenance. 

Gerhard Böhm pointed out that the future is electric because this reduces the energy requirement, operating costs and carbon footprint. In his opinion, the anniversary machines would be of particular interest to customers looking for an energy-saving alternative, who appreciate an electric clamp and want the cost effectiveness of the hydraulic injection unit. An “Ultimate” performance variant and other sizes will follow later this year.

In the next issue of CERAMIC APPLICATIONS, we will report on the Anniversary Days held at the Arburg headquarter 7–9 March 2023 in Lossburg.


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