Guidelines for authors 

Article length: 

The length of a standard article should not exceed 3 to 4 printed pages in the magazine where possible, that of a scientific/technical paper should be no more than approx. 6 printed pages in the magazine. If the length exceeds these guide values, please consult with the editorial office.

One printed page of straight text comprises 6000 characters without spaces / 7000 characters with spaces or 1000 words. With figures, headings, etc., one page of straight text results in an average of two printed pages after layout. 


All articles are published in English and should be submitted in English. On consultation with the editorial department, articles submitted in German can be translated into English by the publishing house. If required, the editorial department can arrange proof-reading of the article by a native speaker.

Manuscript structure

The title should be brief and concise and clearly define the content of the manuscript.

Author details: Please specify any title, first and surname of the author in addition to the postal or company address along with contact data (telephone, e-mail) so that editorial department can reach you. Also include any relevant details concerning the manuscript (e.g. paper presented at a conference, dissertation/thesis, etc.).   

The introduction or abstract should describe the key questions or topics addressed in the manuscript, and keywords should be included. The introduction/abstract should not exceed a maximum length of approx. 10 lines (approx. 150 words, 2 000 characters with spaces). For specialist articles, an additional 5 keywords should be specified.

The main text should be clearly and logically structured, without repetition. The standard structure of the scientific articles comprises the following parts:
Introductory text (abstract), introduction, experiments/tests, results, discussion, summary/conclusions and any footnotes for the cited references (see below). Information on practical applications should always be included.

Manuscript form

Text file/tables

Please submit the manuscript as a text file (Microsoft Word or Word-compatible file format) and write the text in continuous text blocks without any breaks in the text by tables or figures. Only integrate and consecutively number formulae in the text. Reference figures and tables consecutively with numbers in the text (Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc.; Tab. 1, Tab. etc.). Cited literature (footnote) should be referenced with consecutive numbers in square brackets [1], [2], etc.

Figure captions and the tables (table cells) should be set out at the end of the text document. Tables can also be submitted as separate Excel files. 

Formatting of numbers and units
For numbers, a comma is used as the decimal separator, not a point. Please use the units in the SI system and metric dimensions.

Footnotes (endnotes)In the list of references, please cite sources according to the order they are mentioned in the text with square brackets [1] in the following format:

For a journal: Author’s surname, first name (initials): title of the paper/article, name of the journal, volume, data of publication (in round brackets), issue number [in square brackets], page numbers
[1] Hasselman, D.P.H.: Unified theory of thermal shock fracture initiation and crack propagation in brittle ceramics. J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 52 (1969) [11] 600–604

For a book: Author’s surname, first name (initials), then title, chapter (lower case), book title, place of publication, year of publication, page numbers.
[1] Luz, A.P.; Braulio, M.A.L.; Pandolfelli, V.C.: Chemical binders. In: Refractory castable engineering. Baden-Baden 2015, 211–216

Internet sources:
[1] Author surname, first name (initials); title of the article, URL, date of last access


If the figures cannot be delivered as files per email or download link, please contact the editorial office. The number of figures should generally be limited to those strictly necessary. Images should be sharp with high contrast. For micrographs, a bar with the unit of measurement and scale should be included in the image.

Please do not include image files in the text file, but submit each figure with a unique file name in a separate file. Please submit images as TIFF or JPEG files with a resolution of at least 300 DPI for a width of 18 cm (three columns), 12 cm (two columns) or 6 cm (single column), in the CYMK colour model.

Coloured reproduction of the images cannot always be guaranteed. For diagrams, please use graphic elements (dashes/dotted lines, etc) instead of colours to indicate differences. Graphics are often reduced in size for publication, so please ensure that any legends are still legible. Upper case letters should be at least 2 mm high when reduced in size. Please specify units of measurement in square brackets. For graphics created with Excel, please provide the Excel file.


Only original work and articles are published providing they have not already been published elsewhere. As soon as a paper has been accepted for publications, all publication rights are transferred to the publisher. The author agrees to the publication of the article in the online edition on the home page of the magazine. Depending on the subject addressed, the article may also be published in the journals cfi/Berichte der DKG, refractories WOLDFORUM or CERAMIC APPLICATIONS.


If reprints or offprints are required, please specify this when submitting the manuscript. Every author will receive a specimen copy of the journal issue with their paper or article.


Please send the manuscript by email as a text file (Microsoft Word or Word-compatible file format) and the image files (if necessary as a download link) to:

Göller Verlag GmbH, D-76532 Baden-Baden. 


Phone: +49 7221 502 200
