3DCeram Opens up its Capital to SINTO Group

Since its creation, 3DCeram has been in­nov­ating and distinguishing itself through its expertise in the field of materials and processes for 3D-printing of technical cer­am­ic parts. The company has become a recognized reference in its market, worldwide. Today, with 20 employees and a turnover of nearly EUR 2 million, 3DCeram wants to further strengthen its R&D investment, accelerate its growth and ensure its continued development. 3DCeram signed an agreement to open up its capital to the SINTO Group to its capital. The Japanese SINTO Group, a global industrial player whose mission is to “bring new life and shapes to materials and processes”, intends to accelerate its international growth and become a world leader in addi­tive manufacturing. By joining forces with SINTO, which takes a majority shareholding, 3DCeram relies on a solid industrial partner to increase its production capacity for 3D-printers and accelerate its export development, mainly in Asia and USA, where the Japanese group is strongly established.

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