93nd DKG (German Ceramic Society) Annual Meeting and Symposium on High-Performance Ceramics 2018

Another important question pertains to the current restructuring of energy supplies. Is the turnaround in energy policy going to be successful? And what are the material requirements?
In this context, how can the ceramic industry contribute and how will we manufacture the required components and systems?
The 93rd DKG Annual Meeting provides a prime opportunity to discuss all of these questions, together with the Symposium for High-Performance Ceramics. It will take place from 10–13 April 2018, in co­oper­ation with the Munich tradefair Messe München during ceramitec 2018.
Plenary Sessions are:
• Bambang Yano Tomosaburo (Japan Fine Ceramics Association – JFCA/JP) “JFCA Roadmap 2050”
• Prof. Farhad Golestanifarad (IRAN University of Science and Technology/IR) “The Current Status of Research and Development of Ceramics in Iran”
• Prof. Dr Thomas Graule (Empa/CH) “Current Status of Ceramics Research within Switzerland”
• Prof. Dr Sanjay Mathur (TU Köln/DE) “Chemical Processing of Functional Cer­amics: From Molecules to Device Integration”.


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