CERAMIC APPLICATIONS: International Platform for Technical Ceramics at ceramitec 2022

Since 2015, Göller Verlag/DE presents under the roof of CERAMIC APPLICATIONS (previously named: TASK) experts, who manufacture technical ceramic components, as well as equipment and powder/additive suppliers and institutes working in this field at ceramitec. Technical Ceramics is a growing market in many applications (mobility, medical, energy, electronic, etc.). Figures for the global advanced ceramic market published by Global Industry Analytics Inc state: EUR 13 billion (2009), EUR 62 billion (2019) and forcast EUR 93 billion (2025).

Our marketing and public relation services are appreciated by the technical ceramic community, which is confirmed by the following figures: 73 partner companies, plus 10 institutes and associations under one roof. The internationalisation of this expert group is confirmed by the figures on partnerships: Germany (48), Switzerland (8), France (4), Austria (3), Great Britain (3), Japan (3), the Netherlands (2), Norway (2), Singapore (1), Sweden (1), Slovenia (1), Belgium (1), Brazil (1), Bulgaria (1), Hungary (1), Spain (1), India (1) and USA (1). Information and exhibits are available in Hall C1, Stand 319/420. Furthermore, following companies are at the stand with experts permanently during the fair: QSIL Ingenieurkeramik/DE, Elkem/NO, Arburg/DE, MUT Advanced Heating/DE, Zircoa/US, ECT-Kema/DE, Alumina Systems/DE, J. Rettenmaier & Söhne/DE, Kuraray/Europe, Kerafol/DE, Fraunhofer Institutes HTL and IKTS/DE, Oechsler/DE, Loomis Products/DE, FGK/DE, QSIL Ceramics/DE, BCE/DE, Hasler Group/FR, INMATEC Technologies/DE, IAPK/DE, Henze/DE, Oxidkeramik J. Cardenas/DE, Rauschert/DE, Kläger Spritzguss/DE and Isostatic Presure Solutions/BE. Technical presentations are given by the partners in the FORUM in Hall C1 on 21 June 2022 and on 23 June 2022.

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E-mail: info@goeller-verlag.de