ceramitec 2015 – Iran Day

In hall B1 the ceramitec FORUM presents every day special technical and/or market-orientated topics.

The Iran Day will be held on 21 October; 3:15–4:45 pm.
Moderation: Karin Scharrer, Editor-in-chief, ceramic forum international + refractories WORLDFORUM

• Opening Speech by Khalil Khalili Amiri, General Consul of Iran
• Prof. Golestani Fard, President of Iranian Ceramic Society: Present situation of the ceramic industry in Iran

Industrial and financial experience trade with Iran (expert statements)
Klaus Friedrich, foreign trade expert and Iran specialist, VDMA – German Engineering Association

Sven-Boris Brunner, Managing Director, Millitzer & Münch Deutschland GmbH

Volker Fitz, Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co. KG, Sales Director Middle East and Asia

M. Reza Bahraman, Vice-President of Teheran Chamber of Commerce Industries, Mines and agriculture on current industrial development in Iran
• Best practice statements from the German ceramic raw material, ceramic component and equipment suppliers industry.

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