Elkem Changes Corporate Structure and Top Management to Accelerate Specialisation

In a unique, green hydropower-based process at the Elkem Bremanger plant located in the fjords on the west coast of Norway, Silgrain® is produced. Elkem is in full control of the complete value chain from the raw material quartz to finished Silgrain products. The Silgrain® MicronCut range has a well-defined top cut, ideally suited for slip casting applications, whereas PreSize has sharp cuts in both ends. If high purity is needed the Supreme (>99,99 % Si, Fe <20 ppm) is the products of choice. Low-fines, coarse Silgrain® is used in infiltration processes. Silgrain® powders are a key component in the value chain of a variety of advanced silicon ceramics such as Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide (RBSC), Silicon Nitride Bonded Silicon Carbide (NBSC), Reaction Bonded Silicon Nitride (RBSN) and SiAlON (Silicon Aluminum Oxynitride) Applications include brake discs, filters. heating elements, pump components, tubes and pipes and body armour to name a few. For the refractories industry the requirements are less stringent, and most customers prefer the Si-NINE or the newly added Si-RG product range. Also, here powders can be tailored to customer needs. All Elkem plants are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified.


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