Kyocera to Acquire Advanced Ceramic Business of Germany-Based Friatec GmbH

Friatec has over 150 years of experience in ceramics innov­ation dating back to its founding in 1863. The operations will be transferred to the subsid­iary Kyocera Fineceramics Solutions GmbH in autumn 2019. Since its founding in 1959, Kyocera has provided advanced ceramic components for a wide range of markets, including industrial machinery, information devices, medical devices, and environmental preservation/renewable energy equipment. The company has supported various industries by util­ising technologies cultivated through its research, development, and production of fine ceramics.
In April 2019, Kyocera acquired H.C. Starck Ceramics GmbH, now Kyocera Finecer­amics Precision GmbH, a Germany-based company specialising in non-oxide advanced cer­am­ic components. The acquisition gave Kyocera its first advanced ceramic manufacturing facility in Europe, strategically pos­itioning the company to meet rising demand for fine ceramic components used in industrial machinery. By subsequently acquiring Friatec’s ceramic business, including its main lineup of oxide and metallized ceramic components and a European manufacturing facility cap­able of producing these products, Kyocera will be able to offer customers comprehensive service through local production and sales. Kyocera also aims to further expand its advanced ceramic business by strengthening its capabilities for developing and supplying prototypes with short delivery times.

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