Virtual AM CERAMICS at ceramitec conference 2020

Under the roof of a combined organisation by ceramitec/Messe
München/DE, Lithoz GmbH/AT and Fraunhofer IKTS/DE, Additive
Manufacturing (AM) was the topic of the ceramitec conference
2020 dedicated to the well-know AM CERAMICS launched in 2016
by Lithoz. During two days on 16.–17.09.2020, two keynote
sessions and 12 technical presentations were given, enriched by
so-called video snacks offering a virtual lab tour at IKTS with AM
highlights (VAT Photo Polymerisation, Fused Filament Fabrication,
Binder Jetting and Multi Material Jetting) and presenting as well
various research topics from Lithoz. Approximately 500 live
participants enjoyed this program online.

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