Cooperation on AM: Fraunhofer IKTS and Singapore Center for 3D-Printing

This cooperation declares the joint research and development work in the area of Additive Manufacturing (AM) of ceramics as well as the transfer of scientists, PhD candidates and students between Saxony and Singapore. At Fraunhofer IKTS, Europe’s largest R&D institution dedicated to ceramics, research work is conducted regarding the development of AM methods for ceramics. For example, research on thermoplastic 3D-printing is carried out. With this method, components can be printed precisely accurate with several materials. In Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM), IKTS scientists combine AM with ceramic multilayer technology in order to realize multifunctional 3D-com­pon­ents with integrated sensors, piezoelectric actors or microfluidic components for med­ic­al technology. Another research area includes high-performance and cost-efficient monitoring technologies for quality control of additively manufactured components.

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