Elkem Coronavirus Status

– All plants have emergency procedures in place including crisis management plans.
– Elkem HQ and other offices worldwide have implemented a home office policy. The exception is China where Elkem is happy to advice that its Shanghai office is now working as per normal.
– Physical meetings have been replaced with video meetings.
– A general travel ban has been implemented.
– A Supply Chain Task Force has been established to follow up shipments with mitigating actions where necessary.

Currently, none of Elkem´s silicon metal plants has been affected and production is running as per normal. Elkem´s raw material supply chain has not been affected and the company has normal availability of raw materials.

Elkem has identified the main potential risks to be addressed as:

a) Illness of critical operations personnel at the plants;
b) Logistics: restrictions  on border crossing, global ship, container and truck availability, and personnel availability in the supply chain in general.

As this situation remains fluid, Elkem will endeavour to be as transparent as possible and aim to be proactive in communication as issues arise which may jeopardise its ability to deliver products in a timely manner.


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