Intrinsic® Large-Size 3D-Printed Ceramic Components

With intrinSic®, Schunk has developed a new process where components can be pro­ duced from reaction bonded silicon carbide through 3D printing , which wasn’t possible in the past. it enables the trouble­ free creation of complex undercuts and hollow spaces for uniform (monolithic) and large­sized constructional elements using ceramics. Thanks to its extreme dimension­ al stability, intrinSic® is especially attractive to manufacturers of components, which have to exhibit especially high rigidity and strength. The ceramic material, which is nearly as hard as diamonds, yet relatively lightweight, hardly expands at all when exposed to high temperatures and exhibits extreme dimensional stability (unlike other materials such as steel). Using traditional production processes like casting, press­ing and pultrusion, individual shaping in top-­notch quality wasn’t possible. intrin­Sic® gives customers from a wide variety of industries completely new options in the area of industrial precision and measuring technology. The process begins by mixing powdered silicon carbide with a binding agent. Using CAD structural data, a 3D-printer then models the desired component layer by layer. Sizes of 1,5 m x 0,7 m x 0,7 m are pos­sible here. Following special pretreatment, burning and finishing, the product is ready. The process is much faster and the amount of material used is less in comparison to conventional technology.

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