Nabaltec AG: Financial Year 2014 and Outlook for Results in Q1/2015

EBIT grew by a strong 21,0 %, to EUR 12,7 million (2013: EUR 10,5 million), and EBITDA climbed to EUR 22,4 million, up from EUR 19,8 million the year before (up 13,1 %). Nabaltec‘s consolidated earnings (after non-controlling interests) more than doubled in the reporting year, to EUR 5,5 million (2013: EUR 2,6 million). Results in all four quarters of 2014 exceeded the comparison values from the year before and contributed equally to the overall rev­enue growth. Orders received for the year as a whole added up to EUR 151,2 million, up 15,0 % from the year before. In the first three months of 2015, Nabaltec posted revenues of EUR 38,8 million according to preliminary figures, representing a significant improvement over both last quarter and the same quarter of last year, and marking a new record high. The business division „Functional Fillers“ posted revenues of EUR 26,9 million and the business division „Technical Ceramics“ reported EUR 11,9 mil­lion in revenues. According to preliminary figures, Nabaltec had an operating result of EUR 4,8 million in the reporting period, as well as an EBIT margin (EBIT as a percentage of total performance) of 12,6 % and EBITDA of EUR 7,3 million.

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