New Chairman of the German German Society for Materials Science (DGM)

The Head of Materials Engineering at MTU Aero Engines, Germany’s leading engine manufacturer, was elected at the DGM General Assembly in September 2014. The DGM is one of the largest technical and scientific associations in Germany. In terms of Materials Science and Engineering, it is the most important materials and crossindustry platform in the heart of science and industry represented by 192 corporate and institutional memberships. The society furthermore holds the management of the National Association of Materials Science and Engineering (BVMatWerk) to which 40 scientific societies belong. Through its well established office, it also organizes congresses with more than 2000 participants. For his term Dr J. Eßlinger has ambitious plans. During the next two years – as one can only be elected for such a time period – he wants, among other things, to create useful structures in which these actors can
work together effectively and profitably and provide a unified image with the right priorities. Given the current booming demand for new materials these actions are essential. In addition, another topic he regards as very important: specific attention to young researchers and promotion of students of the materials scientific discipline. Dr Jörg Eßlinger studied physics at the Technical University of Munich/DE and at the University of Stuttgart/DE. He obtained his PhD at the Stuttgart Max Planck Institute for Metals Research/Department of Physics/DE. He started his career at MTU Munich in 1990. He worked in structural mechanics and later in the materials sector. Today, he is Head of Materials Engineering and the Material and Component Testing Field. Under his aegis, MTU participates in research projects of federal states, the federal government and the EU in the field of materials science and engineering. Moreover, Dr J. Eßlinger holds lectures at TU Munich. He is a board member of the DGM and the VDI Society Materials Engineering and supports the Materials Science Forum of the BDLI and the initiative Bayern Innovativ.

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