Next ceramitec will Take Place in Munich from 18–21 May 2021

The industry get-together is held at three-yearly intervals. The last event took place in April 2018. By setting the dates in spring, Messe München meets the wish of the industry. As a rule, the most important investment decisions are initiated in the first half of the year. Therefore, a trade show held in spring has clear advantages compared with the initially envisaged dates in the late autumn of 2021.
ceramitec is the most important international trade show and knowledge platform for ceramics and Powder Metallurgy. As such, it covers the full spectrum of the industry, ranging from classic ceramics to raw materials to heavy clay and industrial ceramics through to Technical Ceramics and Powder Metallurgy. In addition, digitization and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes play an ever more important role at the event. In this context, a special show including a separate lecture program on the subject of Additive Manufacturing was conducted for the first time even in 2018. In total, some 633 exhibitors from 38 countries and more than 15 000 participants from 93 countries took part in ceramitec 2018.

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