
Processes for the Production of Ceramic Coatings with Contributions from the Energy Storage Sectors

The Symposium headed “Processes for the Production of Ceramic Coatings with Contributions from the Energy Storage and Conversion Sectors” will be held in cooperation with DECHEMA e.V. and the Joint Committee on High-Performance Ceramics of the DKG and the German Society for Materials Science (DGM). To meet the increased requirements for energy supply systems and new storage materials, ceramic coating systems have been assigned a key role in paving the way for the realization of a post-fossil future.
The two-day symposium programme includes the overview papers:
• Ceramic coatings for power engineering, Robert Vassen, Jülich Research Centre, IEK-1;
• Process engineering in electron production for lithium ion batteries, Arno Kwade, Institute for Particle Technology, Braunschweig University of Technology;
• Thick films for energy and environmental engineering, Alexander Michaelis, Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden;
• Innovative Materials for rechargeable lithium ion batteries, Martin Winter, Westphalian Wilhelm University of Münster, Institute for Physical Chemistry;
as well as a series of talks in the scope of the seminars on:
• Wet coating methods;
• Vacuum and thermal processes;
• Testing and characterization;
• Energy storage;
• Energy converters.

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