AMPM 2015 – Call for Papers

This event, organized and sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) and APMI International, will be co-located with POWDERMET 2015, the 2015 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials, 17–20 May 2015, in San Diego/US. Over the years, MPIF-sponsored conferences and exhibits have become the largest and most prestigious conferences in the PM industry. To support an expanded international effort and to ensure the highest quality of technical communication and transfer, authors from the worldwide Additive Manufacturing community are encouraged to submit abstracts for papers. Papers are sought in the following areas: materials; powder production; equipment; processing economics; applications; new developments; and other topics that fit into the scope of the conference, All abstracts for the technical program are subject to review by the Technical Program Chairmen. Abstract submission deadline is 19 September 2014.

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