Institute for Material Applications in Mechanical Engineering (IWM) at RWTH University of Aachen Moved to New Premises

With the move, the university institute, which was formed in 2006 as a result of a fusion of the former Institutes of Materials Science (IWK) and Ceramic Components in Mechanical Engineering (IKKM) as well as the Materials Science Faculty (LFW), has for the first time in its recent history a single location for all its facilities and laboratories. Under the direction of Prof. Christoph Broeckmann, the IWM investigates strength aspects of materials and components made of metal, ceramics and their composites as well as the development of processes and components from powder metallurgical materials and technical ceramics. Core competences at the Institute include cross-scale numerical simulation of manufacturing processes and failure mechanisms as well as the empirical characterization of the material microstructure and the testing of mechanical properties.

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