Noliac A/S Acquired by CTS Corporation

Noliac designs and manufactures bulk and multilayer piezoelectric components, sen­sors and transducers. Noliac is headquar­tered in Denmark with manufacturing fa­cilities in Denmark and the Czech Republic, Noliac serves OEMs in the aerospace and defense, test and measurement, medical and industrial markets. Noliac was founded in 1997. CTS aims to be a leading provider of sens­ing and motion devices as well as connec­tivity components, enabling an intelligent and seamless world. Noliac’s piezoelectric products fits perfectly to the CTS strategy focusing on technologies that Sense, Con­nect and Move. The acquisition of Noliac will expand CTS’ portfolio of piezoelectric products, manufacturing capabilities and knowledge about piezoelectric technol­ogies. Kieran O’Sullivan, CEO of CTS Corp­oration stated: “By acquiring Noliac, we expand our tape cast manufacturing cap­abilities. This enables us to provide a more complete range of piezoelectric solutions to our customers, while growing our European presence and further diversifying our end market profile.”

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