
FastCast Ceramics – Solutions for Investment Casting

FastCast Ceramics is a spin-off from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) that focuses on ceramic solutions for the investment casting industry. Their innovative processing route based on capillary suspensions, suppresses stresses and thus crack propagation. Their first products aim for faster and more reliable shell building, concentrating on an accelerated layer formation as well as … Read more

Ceramaker by 3DCeram: Taking 3D-Ceramic Printing to Another Level

With the release of the new Ceramaker 100 printer, the French 3DCeramGroup’s strategy is clear. They aim to create a wide range of industrial3D-printers that meet the needs of their clients and which can adapt to aconstantly evolving market. The Ceramaker 900 arrived in 2015, and thesmaller but equally capable Ceramaker 100 is launched.


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