
Competence Center for Additive Manufacturing of Inorganic- Nonmetallic Materials – 3DK

A project group at Forschungsinstitut für Glas | Keramik (FGK/DE),supported by funding of the Ministry of the Economy of Rhineland-Palatinate (MWVLW/DE) and the European Regional Development Fund(ERDF/DE), is currently working on the establishment of an infrastructureand the development of know-how for Additive Manufacturing (AM) ofinorganic-nonmetallic materials, which will result in the first competencecenter for AM … Read more

High Efficiency Recycling and Reusing of Laundry Wastewater by Ceramic-Membrane Nanofiltration

The continuous rise in living standards and the growth of industrial waterusage strongly increase the demand for freshwater supply. Consequently,further development of applicable technologies that facilitate internalindustrial wastewater treatment is much needed. Over the last decades,some noticeable improvements have been recorded in membrane filtrationtechnologies.

Using 3D Weaving for Additive Manufacturing of Ceramic Preforms

Textile manufacturing essentially is an additive manufacturing process withnear net-shape performance. Modern textile machines combined with computationaltools allow for a well-aimed design of complicated 3D structures.Ceramic fibres can be manufactured at these machines if process parametersare carefully adapted. Thereby ceramic fibre preforms are producedin one step at high throughput. They are used for the manufacture … Read more

Manufacturing of SiSiC Plates for Semiconductor Machines with a Focus on Process Integration

With manufacturing processes in the semiconductor industry becomingincreasingly more demanding, component suppliers must offer productsof the highest quality to meet current and future demands in chipproduction. Focussing on both product innovation and processintegration, globally leading advanced ceramics manufacturer CeramTec/DE applies a two-fold approach to enable higher chip quality.

The Lithoz CeraMax Vario V900 with LIS Technology – Ceramic 3D Printing for Fully Dense Large Parts with Thick Walls

Established 3D printing processes for technical high-performance ceramics– first and foremost, stereolithography and binder jetting – have eachmade an important contribution to the growth of ceramic Additive Manufacturing(AM) thanks to their different strengths. However, none of theknown 3D printing processes for oxide ceramics have yet been able toproduce large, fully dense parts with thick walls. … Read more

Ceramic Foundry Cores by 3D Printing

Ceramic cores are essential in the production of turbine blades and nozzleguide vanes (aircraft or gas). The blades attached to a shaft recoverthe combustion energy of the fuel and air mixture from the compressorand the injectors in the turbine combustion chamber.

ceramitec conference: AM CERAMICS Making Innovation Happen

After a year and a half of purely virtual events, the AM Ceramics 2021team was very eager to once again finally meet experts from the ceramicindustry face-to-face in Munich (15.–16.09.2021). Despite the ongoinguncertainty surrounding the pandemic, the event – held in cooperationwith the ceramitec conference – was able to go ahead, with the wellpreparedMesse München … Read more

RECOSIC: Environment-Friendly, High-Grade SiC by Recycling

For more than 100 years, the raw material SiC has been synthesizedfor industrial applications by means of the very energyintensiveAcheson process. For the synthesis of 1 t material,around 7,15 MWh of electric energy is needed. At the same time,around 4,2 t CO2 are emitted. 2,4 t of these CO2 emissions arecaused purely by reactions, the … Read more

KRAHN Ceramics: Technology Partner on a Broad Footing

Project partner and accelerator for everything concerning theprocessing of ceramic powders, this is how KRAHN Ceramics GmbHhas positioned itself. The company headquartered in Hamburgoperates not only as a supplier and producer of powders, binders,process additives and custom-made feedstocks for ceramicinjection moulding, it also offers its customers consulting andproduct development along the ceramic process chain. KRAHNCeramics … Read more


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