Nabaltec AG 2018 Annual Meeting

In light of the company’s success in Financial Year 2017, the shareholders approved the joint recommendation from the Management and Supervisory Boards with regard to the appropriation of earnings by a large majority. Accordingly, the shareholders adopted a resolution to raise the dividend from EUR 0,15 to EUR 0,18 per share, which was paid out on 29 June 2018. The residual retained profit, in the amount of EUR 18 048 076,09, will be carried forward to new account, and will therefore be retained by the company to support its policy of sustained growth.
“I would like to thank our shareholders for their support of our strategy, and particularly of the path we have taken in the US,“ said Johannes Heckmann, CEO of Nabaltec AG. “We have been able to convert our former joint venture in that country into a stand-alone solution and a wholly owned subsidiary, and we are currently planning further growth in the US, including extensive investments and a second production site. We believe in the outstanding potential of our markets and the approval of our shareholders will serve as additional mo­tiv­ation for us.“
In addition to discharging the Management and Supervisory Boards, the shareholders approved the election of an auditor for Financial Year 2018.

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