

Just like the composites trade fair itself, the Product Demonstration area is celebrating an anniversary this year: for the 10th time already, it will offer visitors a chance to test, explore and, above all, touch products. The two special areas will showcase complex processes along with highlights from the world of composites, yet again making them visitor magnets at the trade fair, which will take place in Stuttgart from 22–24 September 2015. About 450 exhibitors from 30 nations will descend on the Ex­hibition Centre in Stuttgart/DE to present composites industry in­ novations for automotive engineering, aerospace, boatbuild­ing as well as the wind energy, construction and other sectors. A key focus will be on automation solutions that enable high­ volume production processes for manufacturing composites components. Some 11 000 lightweight construction decision­ makers are expected to attend the 10th COMPOSITES EUROPE, which is organised by trade fair organiser Reed Exhibitions in cooperation with the European Industry Association EuCIA, the German Federation for Reinforced Plastics AVK, the VDMA Fo­rum Composite Technology and the international trade maga­zine Reinforced Plastics.

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