
Glass-Carbon-Composites for Heating Elements Manufactured by 2C-PIM

Todays power resistors and heating elements are usually made of metalwires wound around a core. Due to the non-adjustable resistivity oftypical resistance alloys these components may become quite large indimensions and therefore the overall size determining components incomplex electric devices. Furthermore, prices of metals are rising overthe last years. Pursuing an alternative material concept promises … Read more

When Temperature and Corrosion Resistance are Required – FRIALIT®-DEGUSSIT® High-Performance Ceramics Offer the Solution

FRIATEC constantly develops new and customized ceramic solutions andproducts in collaboration with market partners. The research departmentcomprises a team of interdisciplinary experts specialized in materialresearch, process development and product innovation. FRIATEC’s oxideceramicmaterials are subject to intensive regular inspections andcontrols to meet highest quality requirements.

New Dimensions in High-Performance Ceramics from Cars to Medical Engineering

Bosch is synonymous with quality and precision in the field of highperformanceceramics for the automotive sector. The Stuttgart-basedgroup is now tapping into a new market and also offering functionalcomponents made of high-performance ceramics for the medicalengineering market. Thanks to special properties such as extremerobustness, biocompatibility, as well as chemical and electriccharacteristics, the material opens up … Read more

Ceramic Replaces DLC

A sliding block made of steel coated with DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) hasbeen replaced with an injection-moulded Si3N4 component. Crucial for theceramic sliding block with improved material properties was to set up adedicated manufacturing process for large-volume manufacturing. Thissuccess story relates the background to the cooperation between NidecGMP GmbH and FCT Ingenieurkeramik GmbH with statements from … Read more

Ceramaker by 3DCeram: Taking 3D-Ceramic Printing to Another Level

With the release of the new Ceramaker 100 printer, the French 3DCeramGroup’s strategy is clear. They aim to create a wide range of industrial3D-printers that meet the needs of their clients and which can adapt to aconstantly evolving market. The Ceramaker 900 arrived in 2015, and thesmaller but equally capable Ceramaker 100 is launched.

New Ceramic Membrane Enables First Direct Conversion of Natural Gas to Liquids without CO2 Emissions

A team of scientists from CoorsTek Membrane Sciences, the University ofOslo/NO, and the Instituto de Tecnología Química/ES has developed a newprocess to use natural gas as raw material for aromatic chemicals.The process uses a novel ceramic membrane to make the direct,non-oxidative conversion of gas to liquids possible for the first time –reducing cost, eliminating multiple … Read more

High-Performance Ceramics for Mobility, Electrical Engineering/Optics and Life Sciences

As the result of an intensive dialogue between 60 professionals fromindustry and research institutes, which had been organized on theinitiative of the Joint Committee on High-Performance Ceramics of theDKG (German Ceramic Society) and the DGM (German Material ScienceSociety) in collaboration with the VKI (Association of the German CeramicIndustry), the expert study “Future Potential of High-PerformanceCeramics” … Read more


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