
100 Years of Textile and Fibre Research and 30 Years of Ceramic Fibre Research in Denkendorf

Double birthday – this year, the DITF Denkendorf celebrate their 100thanniversary as well as 30 years of ceramic fibre research. Ceramics andfibre do not sound compatible at first. Nonetheless, R&D in the field ofhigh-performance oxide ceramic fibres has been successfully carried outat the DITF since 1990, not least due to their expertise in the textile … Read more

Design Concepts for Miniaturised Thermal Cyclers Based on Functional Additively Manufactured Multi-Material Components

The demands on components in terms of individualisation,functionalisation and miniaturisation, increased lifetime, but alsoresource efficiency during manufacturing and in use increasecontinuously. Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies offer productionpossibilities that were previously unfeasible using conventionalmanufacturing technologies or required enormous effort. In order todemonstrate the future possibilities as a result of the extendedfunctionalities of ceramic components, the development … Read more

MERSEN Boostec: SiC Material Obtained by Pressureless Sintering*

MERSEN Boostec SiC is a polycrystalline technical ceramic obtained bypressureless sintering resulting in a silicon carbide completely free ofnon-combined silicon. This paper gives a short description of the MERSENBoostec company. Four of its main current commercial activities concerninglaser processes, semiconductor and optomechanics OEMs as well ascontinuous flow reactors for the chemical industry are overviewed.

Zetamix and LEAT: Shaping the Future of Antennas Using 3D-Printed Ceramic Material

Founded by three engineers in 2008, Nanoe is a French company specialisedin the elaboration and production of highly innovative materials. With itsknowledge and know-how in the ceramics field, the company launched in2018 a new brand, Zetamix: the first ceramic and metal filamentsaccessible to all. LEAT is a French laboratory dedicated to Information andCommunication Technologies (ICT). … Read more

Material Re-Visited: Steatite May be Old, but Still Up-to-Date!

Porcelain, the material from which plates and cups are made, was thefirst ceramic feedstock to be processed for electrical engineeringapplications. The second oldest material for such uses is soapstone.Nowadays soap-stone and its derivatives (i.e. steatites) are indispensablearticles of every-day life and essential materials for industrialapplications. Steatites have outstanding dielectric properties and possessgreat mechanical strength. Accordingly, … Read more

STEKA: Specialist for Small Series and Prototype Development Widens its Portfolio

Steatite, a classic material in technical ceramics, boasts hightemperature resistance, tracking resistance and dielectricstrength, and it is therefore an ideal insulating material forapplications in electrical engineering. Speciality porous materialsmade of cordierite are used especially for applications thatrequire high thermal shock resistance.

Bosch Develops Challenging Ceramic Microreactor in Additive Manufacturing with KIT and BASF

Together with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT/DE) and thechemical company BASF/DE, Bosch Advanced Ceramics/DE has developeda complex microreactor made of technical ceramics for high-temperaturereactions and produced it using Additive Manufacturing (AM).Microreactors, which are often used, to research the fundamentalsof chemical-technical processes, have to withstand the harshestconditions.Bosch Advanced

3DCERAM Sinto: Process Provider for Ceramic Additive Manufacturing Opened a New Site

In October 2021, the company inaugurated a new building inBonnac La Côte near Limoges. With 3000 m2 for manufacturingmachines and mixes as well as R&D work for materials andlasers plus office space and meeting rooms, the new facility setsa milestone in the history of the company. Richard Gaignon (RG),CEO and co-founder with Christophe Chaput, explained … Read more

Joining of Ceramic and Metal Parts

Coonomlithi Monolithic ceramics, composites or metals, which cannot bemanufactured in one piece must be joined. By using joining technologiesmaterial hybrids are also possible. Ceramic-to-metal joinings expand theapplication spectrum enormously. By joining of simple serial partscomplex geometries for specific applications can be realized.


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